Friday, March 1, 2013

Nora is three

How is it possible that my girl is 3 already?!?!  

Here are a few questions I asked her last night and her answers:

What's your favorite color, Nora?
Um, I'm ready go my birthday party on Sunday!
But, what's your favorite color?
Birthday Party, Sunday!
Hey, what shirt do you love to wear the most?
Um, Gowns!
What do you want to be when you grow up? (2 answers)
I grow up and I wanna hold Graham!
I will grow big and go to school just like Ella.
Who is your best friend?
Lana (Leana) at Miss Ree's!  
What do you do all day while Mommy works?
Mama, you go work AGAIN?  I play my friends at Miss Ree's!
Do you love Graham?
NO.  I don't like him.  I like him later?
What's your favorite thing to eat?
What's your favorite fruit?
What are you thankful for Nora?
Um, Apples.  And Jesus!

Right now, you love to sing WHeels on the Bus and Twinkle Twinkle.  You are sweet and perfect and lovable.  You are so conversational and you make us laugh!