Sunday, September 21, 2008

Gone too Soon.

Yesterday I got a call from Rachel.  She told me that her HS boyfriend Charlie May had been killed in a motorcycle accident.  It is so very sad for so many reasons.  Charlie was a good kid.  He was set to get married in November and it seemed like his life was just beginning.  I feel horrible for his parents, his sister, and especially Stacey.  I can't imagine being in her position.  Having to bury the man that you love, the man that you were supposed to spend the rest of your life with.  I just can't put myself in her shoes.  I can't even begin to think about going home to my closet and seeing my wedding dress hanging there, looking at the photos on the wall of our recent engagement photo session....Having to cancel plans.  It is just so very sad.  I hope somewhere in all this that family and Charlie's friends (much closer friends than me) can find peace in the knowledge that he is in a better place.  


1 comment:

Auntie Sissy said...

It's so sad. My heart breaks for everyone. I just couldn't stop crying when I heard, and I keep having times of tears, but I know I don't feel nearly as bad as those who knew him well now. God be with them all.